Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Too much of a good thing will kill you

Here's a editorial piece I've just finished - supposedly 'If you love coffee and drink more than 100 cups in 4 hours you'll probably die.' Hmm... even though the 'probably' is slightly vague, if you ever feel the need to try I would still recommend stopping at the 100 mark.

Luckily I drank no coffee in the making of this illustration, just a bottle of wine so I'll be fine.

Friday, 12 December 2008

Hard Work

Editorial piece on bullying in the work place.

Monday, 8 December 2008

Illustrations Featured on UKADAPTA BLOG

Another Website that's worth a bit of a browse is UKADAPTA's blog, again lots of work to peruse (for the Japanese and english speaking amongst us), it's currently featuring 5 of my illustrations, hooray!

Featured on Lost At E Minor

Spend Today Worry tomorrow was featured on the Lost At E Minor website today.
The websites cool, regular updates and a great place to see new exciting illustration and a whole range of design. Bookmark it now!